Bill called the meeting to order at 5:32 PM.
The October 24, 2023 Board Meeting minutes were unanimously approved, as written. Bill motion to approve, David 2nd, unanimous.
Debi reviewed Taralon’s current financial status, including our current financial statements. Mona motion to approve, Angela 2nd, unanimous.
No questions or concerns regarding compliance log or ARC log.
Bill motion to ratify the approval, Angela 2nd, unanimous.
Heat pump/module needed replacement at the clubhouse, vote ratified. Angela motion to approve, Mona 2nd, unanimous.
Ratified vote. Bill motion to approve, Mona 2nd, unanimous.
Ratified vote. Angela motioned to approve, Bill 2nd, unanimous.
Current board opening with term ending October 2025. Time is given to meeting attendants to ask questions or share their interest in joining the Board. Bill, Angela, and Mona speak about their experiences being on the Board. No attendees have expressed interest in joining the Board.
HOA will continue to make repairs as needed to community property. HOA will make changes in accordance with landscaper recommendations for tree care, homeowners are responsible for root issues on homeowner side of the fence. Bill made a motion to deny the Owners request, David 2nd, unanimously denied.
Debi received multiple bids for pool security for summer pool season 2024. Board members have reviewed the bids and voted to work with First Response Security. Bill motioned to approve, Angela 2nd, unanimous.
Approve to receive bids for review.
Table for now, revisit in the future.
Scheduled for April 30, 2024, at 5:30pm.
The pool needs new coping stones and other repairs due to safety concerns. Old pool cover tracks need to be removed and the auto pool cover mechanism needs to be removed. Pool plaster to be repaired and replaced as needed. Wet Kat will perform post plaster pool aftercare. Bill and David will work with Wet Kat to lead the aftercare procedures for two weekends following repairs, if needed. Aftercare must be performed to ensure the longevity of the pool surfaces and equipment. Debi will ask Valentin (Custom Pools and Spas) if moving the score line will help reduce the need for future plaster repairs. Last resurface of pool was completed 2/25/2020. Board to determine direction of repairs after receiving answers to follow up questions.
Neighborhood child has kicked in the bottom of an HOA fence. Board approves notice to homeowner to pay for the property destruction and vandalism caused by their child. Mona made a motion to approve, Angela 2nd, unanimous.
Homeowner inquiries about the health of trees, does PLM do regular health inspections? If homeowners have questions regarding specific trees, send pictures and information to Debi to follow up with PLM and arborists.
Homeowner has questions regarding renting the clubhouse. He said he has a difficult time reserving the clubhouse due to insurance requirements. He asked how many homeowners have been able to reserve the clubhouse, while numbers are not available, confirmed that the clubhouse is getting reserved on a regular basis and it is not the same few homeowners. Homeowners can get independent insurance through GEICO (Markel American Insurance) for $100 per event or $175 with alcohol.
New homeowner is having a difficult time logging into the portal and homeowner resources. Homeowner encouraged to email Debi and she will assist.
Homeowners are asked to keep Homeowner Forum questions to 1-2 minutes, and this was clarified – Homeowners are given 1-2 minutes to present their question or concern, discussions will be decided by the Board or tabled for another meeting.
Angela motioned to adjourn the Board meeting, Mona 2nd, unanimous approval to adjourn at 7:47 PM.