The open board meeting was called to order at 5:33 PM.
Two homeowners interested in joining the HOA board were present. Introductions from David Stark and Mona Smith. Bill motioned to approve David Stark and Mona Smith as Board members to serve a 2-year term, Angela 2nd. Unanimously approved.
The May 25, 2023 Board Meeting minutes were unanimously approved, as written. David motioned to approve, Bill 2nd.
Marissa reviewed Taralon’s current financial status, including our current financial statement. Bill motioned to approve, Angela 2nd, unanimously approved.
No questions or concerns regarding compliance log or ARC log.
Hardship request/waiver Account #52433198084. Bill motion to deny the request to rent out the owner’s home, David 2nd, Unanimously denied.
Bill motioned to approve the 2024 Budget as presented by The Management Trust, Angela 2nd, Unanimously approved.
Bill to serve as President, Angela to serve as Secretary and Treasurer, David Stark to serve as Vice President, and Mona Smith to serve as a director.
Next meeting date will be determined upon Debi’s return from leave.
Revisit the damaged trees on Taralon property that back Hidden Falls and make sure we’re winter ready.
Homeowners address the board due to tree roots on HOA property impacting their backyard. (unevenness, lifting pavers, impact on French drains). The Management Trust will work PLM to connect with homeowners to review impacts and needs.
The HOA property across from the small park on Falcon has not been maintained this year. It has about 6” of tree debris which poses a fire hazard and is unsightly. The trees in this area and weeds have not been maintained. The Management Trust will work with PLM to make sure this area is addressed and added to the schedule.
There are trees between two fences, Taralon side and Ashley Meadows side, homeowner would like to know if we know who owns the trees or space between the fences. Angela to send the title report and map to the homeowner to see if this helps answer the questions.
Michael Calcado, President of Townhome Association, he shared the townhomes will have a small increase in dues, $141.50 to $142.15.
Homeowner has been having issues with Click Pay, Marissa will follow up with homeowner to offer additional options.
Bill motioned to adjourn the board meeting, David 2nd, Board meeting adjourned at 6:27 PM.