Debi Widmer, Community Association Manager
Bill Called the meeting to order at 5:36 PM.
Bill motioned to elect Homeowner Mona Smith as newest board member to fill the remainder of the open term (2023), Angela 2nd, All were in favor.
David motioned to approve the February 28th, 2023 Board Meeting minutes, Bill 2nd, minutes were unanimously approved, as written.
Debi reviewed Taralon’s current financial status, including the current financial statements. Bill motioned to approve the April 2023 financial statement, David 2nd, unanimously approved.
Homeowner Alyssa Haskins addressed the board to discuss their compliance citations regarding unapproved installation of artificial turf in their front yard. Homeowner submitted an ARC for the turf and it was denied (CCR’s 12.21), turf was installed without approval. The homeowner would like to have a “variance” issued to keep the turf. Bill motioned to allow the homeowner 6 months to submit an ARC application and have the approved corrections made by November 1, 2023, David, 2nd, the decision was approved 3-0, Mona recused herself.
Homeowner Brian Cates addressed the board regarding the requirement of homeowners to provide insurance for private events held at the Taralon clubhouse. Brian wants the Taralon HOA to carry insurance to cover private events held at the Taralon clubhouse. Brian states it’s difficult for himself and others to gain the proper insurance required. The board informed Brian that the board met with the board’s attorney, the liability to the HOA is too great to not have the insurance, the cost to the HOA is too great to include in dues, this would cause and increase in dues to each homeowner. (Angela had to excuse herself for 5 minutes).
David motioned to ratify the approval of the tree removal in Tract L, Bill 2nd, unanimously approved.
The work was completed on 3/2023.
Bill motioned to ratify the approval for the areas to be pressure washed throughout the community, David 2nd, unanimously approved.
Work to be completed 5/30/2023 to 6/2/2023.
Large expense that is not necessary at this time, Angela motions to deny, David 2nd unanimously denied.
Bill motioned to ratify the decision of the approval to increase the Management Retainer Agreement which is more in line with the Community needs, David 2nd, unanimously approved.
Board agrees to table until all fence repairs have been completed. Debi to gather bids.
Pool is ready to open. Smooth opening this year thanks to Bill and Debi getting ahead of all needs.
Current mats have Blue Mountain Community Management logo on them. Angela priced out new mats, with and without the Taralon logo. With logos it would cost the HOA approx $235 per mat, without logo they cost approx $75 each. Bill motioned to have Angela purchase new mats and be reimbursed, purchase not to exceed $150. David 2nd, unanimously approved.
David motioned that if homeowners are behind on assessments and/or fines by 30 days or more, fobs will be turned off until they are current. If homeowners are in the process of a waiver, fobs will not be turned off, Bill 2nd, unanimously approved.
Homeowner on Falcon would like HOA to prune trees in greenspace to not hang into yard and provide more sun into their yard. Bill motioned to deny the request, Angela 2nd, unanimously denied. Homeowners may hire at their own expense to trim trees that hang into their yard.
Homeowner on Chickadee would like HOA to remove tree in greenspace to not hang into yard and adjust fence they believe is being impacted by the tree. David motioned to approve to obtain an arborist bid for pruning and bid for fence adjustment, not tree removal, Bill 2nd, unanimously approved.
8/29/23 sign in at 5:15 PM, call to order at 5:30 PM.
Homeowner Rob Loos addresses board, homeowner was issued citations and fines due to compliance issues regarding basketball hoop. Homeowner did not follow proper protocol to request a hearing. After a lengthy discussion with the homeowner, it was clear the homeowner did not understand the order in which he should have been working with the community manager. The homeowner requested a full fee waiver. Angela motioned to waive only the soft costs (homeowner responsible for hard costs), Mona 2nd, unanimously approved.
Homeowner Chris asked the board to have PLM inspect sprinklers behind Dove Ln and make repairs as necessary due to excess water present after watering. Debi will contact Mark with PLM to have addressed.
Homeowner Flo would like more information regarding the insurance requirement for clubhouse rental. Homeowner will call her insurance company and verify what is needed and the cost.
Angela motioned to adjourn the board meeting, David 2nd, meeting adjourned at 8:36 PM.