The meeting was called to order at 5:32 PM.
Angela made a motion to approve the December 13, 2022 Board Meeting minutes, as written, Bill 2nd, unanimously approved.
Debi reviewed Taralon’s current financial status, including our current financial statements. Bill motioned to approve, David 2nd, unanimously approved.
Homeowners (Acct #52433198021) in attendance were issued a citation for exceeding the allowable 2 household pets per unit, section 12.6.1 of CCR’s. Homeowners and Board discussed and have approved this one-time exception. Adam motioned to approve a onetime exception, Bill 2nd, unanimously approved.
The board does not have any questions regarding ARCs and community compliance.
Many of the community path lights are out of order and need to be replaced. Bill motion to approve replacement, David 2nd, unanimous to replace.
All winter tree prep work completed 2/22/23. Angela motioned to approve, Adam 2nd, unanimously approved.
During inspection, it was determined the pool room needs a fire extinguisher. Debi to follow up with Metro to see about adding the required fire extinguisher and adding the inspection at the same time.
HOA maintained fence needed repair after the storm. Adam motioned to approve, David 2nd, unanimously approved.
Angela to measure and will determine wall to mount the new cue holder. Board to revisit topic.
Cascade Enforcement bid: $13,312.80/month
First Response bid: $15,473.44/month
Both contract bids are from 5/26/23 - 9/17/23, 12 hours a day, 8 AM - 8 PM.
Adam motioned to approve Cascade Enforcement bid, Angela 2nd, unanimously approved.
Hazardous/dead/dying trees in land owned by Taralon, backing to Hidden Falls. Board received one bid for work to be performed. Debi will contact additional arborists for bids and determining future tree needs. If vendors cannot get out to assess the health of the trees, necessary steps to take and fit us into the schedule in a timely manner, Board approves to move forward with current bid. Motion for two additional bids, if they don’t come in under budget and in a sooner timeframe, we will go with our current PLM bid. Adam motion, Bill 2nd, unanimously approved.
Hold off on cleaning pathways for now, not all areas are approved. Board will work together to determine areas of approval and share with Debi.
Adam motion to approve the Clubhouse moss treatment and gutter cleaning, David 2nd, unanimously approved.
Request that bark dust be placed after shrub clean up. Adam motioned to approve bark dust bid from PLM, Angela 2nd, unanimously approved.
All bridges were replaced with Trex, no staining needed. Adam to send an email to The Management Trust, on the Board’s behalf, to un-fund for the Taralon Residential Reserve Study.
Board does not see the immediate need to spend funds on cedar chips currently. The Board will revisit as needed or in 2024. David motioned to review in 2024, Angela 2nd, unanimous.
First choice is 4/25/23, Debi will check her schedule and follow up with the Board.
Rock wall at dog park needs some repairs – This is item is still being discussed. Due to cost of repairs and time of year, the Board will continue to revisit this topic.
Community Watch Walks – This is something the Board supports but does not organize. If a community member would like to organize neighborhood walks, please do.
There is currently one open Board position. If anyone is interested in joining the board, please contact Debi at The Management Trust. When Board meeting notice is sent out, there will be information about applying for open position included.
Adam motioned to adjourn the Board meeting Angela 2nd, Board Meeting adjourned at 6:58 PM.