Zoom (due to COVID-19)
The meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM
Adam motioned to approve the May 11, 2022 Board Meeting minutes, Eryn 2nd, unanimously approved, as written.
Debi reviewed Taralon’s current financial status, including [?]
Due to rising costs of expenses and increasing community needs, Management has recommended increasing monthly assessments to $97 per month. After much discussion, Bill motioned to approve the 2023 budget as proposed, Angela 2nd, the Board unanimously approved the 2023 budget and increase of monthly assessments.
The Board was presented with 3 options for pool covers:
After discussing costs and practicality of each option, Bill motioned to approve option 3, Angela 2nd, the Board unanimously agreed to option 3.
Attorney for Taralon HOA drafted a Fine and Enforcement Resolution, defining fine schedules and enforcements. Bill motioned to ratify the minutes of the decision to approve the FPR, Adam 2nd, the Board unanimously approved of the Resolution as provided by the Attorney.
The Board received bids for enclosing the fence at the entry of 157th Ave. Angela made a motion to approve the bid for work provided by OnPoint Fencing and Deck as long as OnPoint provides a minimum 1 year warranty for work performed, Adam 2nd, the Board unanimously approved.
Taralon privately owns parking spaces near the clubhouse/pool. These spaces are clearly marked as being for Taralon Homeowners and Guests but are often being used by tenants of The Elwood, preventing Taralon homeowners and guests from being able to use these spaces. Adam made a motion to approve the Taralon attorney to create a Towing Resolution for $720 for clubhouse/pool parking spaces owned by Taralon, Bill 2nd, the Board unanimously approved. The Board has contracted with 21st Century Towing to tow unauthorized vehicles upon Board request. The Resolution must be provided to all homeowners and The Elwood prior to towing.
Homeowner on Falcon Ct has requested Taralon HOA to prune trees away from their backyard fence ($2,693). The Board unanimously voted to adhere to the previous decision to deny this request.
Debi has confirmed pond maintenance is complete and all interestedparties are satisfied.
Bill made a motion to approve the new service contract with Northwest Pest Control Service only if they include “Mice” in the service agreement, Adam 2nd, the Board approved unanimously.
The walkways around the clubhouse are mossy and slippery and in need of cleaning in order to prevent slips and falls. Adam made a motion to approve the bid from AOC of $2,150 to clean all concrete walkways around the clubhouse, Bill 2nd, the Board unanimously approved.
Rocks at the dog park wall have been removed from wall and are laying on the ground. This wall is not structural and the Board will revisit repairing at the next Board Meeting.
The Board approves, any group wanting to reserve the clubhouse on a consistent basis may be eligible to have a revolving deposit after 6 months of reservations in good standing.
7 of the 12 pathway lights throughout the neighborhood are out. AOC is working to find replacement lights and options.
The Board unanimously votes to not place holiday baskets or add new seasonal flowers around trees at the entrance to the neighborhood.
The Board unanimously votes to not host a holiday event at the clubhouse this year.
All clubhouse usage will be by reservation only. Once a reservation is confirmed, the resident who reserved the clubhouse will have access with their fob.
At our next meeting we will fill open board positions. If quorum is not met, we will move forward with a regular board meeting.
Recap of dues increase.
Community members will not receive copies of invoices and do not have access to the same financial information as board members.
It was brought to the Board’s attention the clubhouse isn’t being cleaned to a homeowners standards and the fireplace is not functioning properly. TMT will have both of these items addressed with vendors.
Bill made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Adam 2nd, the meeting was adjourned at 7:03 PM.