The meeting was called to order at 5:33 PM by Sara Beddow with The Management Trust.
Draft minutes from the February 23rd, 2022 Board Meeting were presented. Adam Moorhead motioned to approve, Angela Ackerson seconded, motion carried.
Accounting was still waiting on balance forwarding information from prior management so there was not a financial report presented or discussed.
The Board discussed edits on the agreement including giving The Elwood three warnings of violations and then after that, having the usage revoked for the entire complex. A motion to approve the draft SUA agreement with the additions discussed and send to Pat Foran was made by Bill Hunter and seconded by Angela Ackerson, motion carried.
A discussion about rules for the pool and clubhouse was held. The Board discussed only allowing an Elwood representative reserve the clubhouse on behalf of the Elwood residents. A motion to have Pat Foran draft new pool/clubhouse rules was made by Angela Ackerson and seconded by Bill Hunter, motion carried.
The Board discussed the recent breaking of the pool cover tracts due to weather and a pool pump malfunction causing the water in the pool to drain. It was discussed after a recent inspection of the pool by WetKat that the coping around the pool is chipping and is unsafe. It was announced that the coping would be repaired mid-June and then new tracts can go on after that. A motion to make the necessary repairs to the pool was made by Angela Ackerson and seconded by Bill Hunter, motion carried.
The Board discussed the few pieces of gym equipment in the clubhouse and how they wouldn’t get much use with the clubhouse being by reservation only going forward. A motion to sell the gym equipment and possibly getting new tabletop game with the earnings was made by Naomi Turrentine and seconded by Eryn Thorne, motion carried. It was decided the pool and clubhouse would open at the same time. It was decided only one reservation per day would be available. A discussion about the appliances in the clubhouse was held and a motion to have the clubhouse appliances tested and tuned was made by Naomi Turrentine and seconded by Eryn Thorne, motion carried.
Sara explained the nominations committee process as is stated in the documents. She advised the Board send out a Call for Candidates and absentee ballot. A motion to appoint the nominations committee as the Board was made by Eryn Thorne and seconded by Adam Moorehead, motion carried.
The Board requested management get a proposal for No Trespassing signs along the green space that backs up to Hidden Falls.
Time was set aside for homeowners to ask questions or raise concerns.
There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was motioned to adjourn at 7:35 PM by Bill Hunter, seconded by Angela Ackerson.