Taralon Residents

Board Meeting on Feb 23, 2022

Minutes (PDF)

Table of Contents

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM by Bill Hunter with The Board of Directors. Opening remarks and introductions were presented by Bill Hunter.


Board Members Present

Management Representatives Present


Draft minutes from the December 15th, 2021 Board Meeting were presented. Adam Moorhead motioned to approve, Angela Ackerson seconded, motion carried.

Homeowner Forum

There was time set aside for open homeowner forum, questions were risen about the management transition, assessments, and future plans for landscaping.

Financial Report

The most recent financials were not transferred by Blue Mountain to The Management Trust prior to the meeting so there was not a financial report presented or discussed.

Shared Use Agreement

Sara Beddow explained after her review, most of the points made in the agreement looked good. Her only suggestion was to take section 5.1 to the attorney and adjust the time frame to 30 days for noticing the apartments and enforcing the new agreement. Also, further clarification should be made as to how the apartment residents will have access to the shared use facilities. A back billing from the apartments who weren’t paying for their share of the amenities should be put into the agreement.

Porter Services

A proposal was presented to the Board from HOA Services for porter services. Management was still waiting on a proposal from TWS so the Board decided to table the conversation until they can compare proposals.

Clubhouse/Pool Reopening

A discussion about the date of reopening and the policies to follow took place. The Board asked management to have the pool and clubhouse section of the CC&Rs to be reviewed and revised by our attorney to rid it of any discriminatory language. The Board decided they wanted to stay with the security company at the pool that they had last summer but, the Board decided security would only be present during pool hours.

Security Cameras

The Board asked management to reach out to Metro as the security cameras installed in September are not connected to the internet and an initial training was never given to the Board.

Next Meeting

The Board discussed scheduling the next board meeting in March to go over the budget and expectations. The Board asked management to send out dates for an April Annual Meeting.


There being no further business before the Board of Directors, the meeting was motioned to adjourn at 7:40 PM by Bill Hunter, seconded by Adam Moorhead.